
martes, 31 de agosto de 2010


Open your eyes.

REALLY love those around you.

Do everything, everyday like it matters.




Your beauty will be felt by all.

Never forget the magic of life itself.

Because maybe just maybe

Tomorrow would be too late

1 comentario:

  1. Love those around you...
    What to do if those around you are tired of you?
    The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    Maybe my beauty is not really mine, but the beauty I feel for others.
    It’s warm and pure.
    Sometimes I feel like a planet with no sun, cold, but the warmth comes from my inside.
    Useless, because:
    Who can desire the warmth of a dark lonely dead rock?
    I hope and wait, for something or somebody to bring some life to me, but everybody just goes away or dies, like my cat, and my planet is colder and colder everyday.
