martes, 31 de agosto de 2010
viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010
Just wondering
Remember when we used to look how sun set far away?
And how you said: "this is never over"
I believed your every word and I quess you did too
But now you're saying : "hey, let's think this over"
You take My hand and pull me next to you, so close to you
I have a feeling you don't have the words
I found one for you, kiss your cheak, say bye, and walk away
Don't look back cause I am crying
I remember little things, you hardly ever do
Tell me why.
I don't know why it's over
I remember shooting stars, the walk we took that night
I hope your wish came true, mine betrayed me
You let my hand go, and you fake a smile for me
[Más Letras en]
I have a feeling you don't know what to do
I look deep in your eyes, hesitate a while...
Why are you crying?
Tallulah, It's easier to live alone
than fear the time it's over
Tallulah, find the words and talk to me ,oh, Tallulah,
This could be... heaven
I see you walking hand in hand with
long-haired drummer of the band
In love with her or so it seems, he's
dancing with my beauty queen
Don't even dare to say you hi, still swallowing the goodbye
But I know the feelings still alive- still alive
I lost my patience once, so do you punish me now
I'll always love you, no matter what you do
I'll win you back for me if you give me a chance
But there is one thing you must understand
Sometimes i just wonder if you talk to me
or just talk for talking...
you love me you hate me?
you want to see me, you want me away?
if i were a little more smart
so i could just read your mind
And how you said: "this is never over"
I believed your every word and I quess you did too
But now you're saying : "hey, let's think this over"
You take My hand and pull me next to you, so close to you
I have a feeling you don't have the words
I found one for you, kiss your cheak, say bye, and walk away
Don't look back cause I am crying
I remember little things, you hardly ever do
Tell me why.
I don't know why it's over
I remember shooting stars, the walk we took that night
I hope your wish came true, mine betrayed me
You let my hand go, and you fake a smile for me
[Más Letras en]
I have a feeling you don't know what to do
I look deep in your eyes, hesitate a while...
Why are you crying?
Tallulah, It's easier to live alone
than fear the time it's over
Tallulah, find the words and talk to me ,oh, Tallulah,
This could be... heaven
I see you walking hand in hand with
long-haired drummer of the band
In love with her or so it seems, he's
dancing with my beauty queen
Don't even dare to say you hi, still swallowing the goodbye
But I know the feelings still alive- still alive
I lost my patience once, so do you punish me now
I'll always love you, no matter what you do
I'll win you back for me if you give me a chance
But there is one thing you must understand
Sometimes i just wonder if you talk to me
or just talk for talking...
you love me you hate me?
you want to see me, you want me away?
if i were a little more smart
so i could just read your mind
Nightmares are eating me from the inside
almost every night is ths same
weird nightmare
dreams that reminds me of the person i love
and remarking me
he is gone
this time
i was in and old house
i used to live
when i was like 12 years old
i was in my bedroom
just whatching TV
and i moved to the other side of the bed
and he was there just watching Tv with me
looking serious almost mad
forcing me to stay still
he walked away
i try to follow
but he always walks away
as i remain in the room
then water always fill teh room
and i drown
when i wake up
i have a weird animal next to me
have only one eye
is kind of green and yellow
is swimming next to me
we are in something that appears like ruins
we swim, the creature is completely dependant of me
i dont know what it is
i dont knwo where i am
neither where i go
but that creature in there
looked at me with sad sweetness in its eyes
he needs me
he follows me
and dont want to let me leave
or be away from him or her
and i feel the urge
of not to let him or her alone
i need to protect this little things
i just feel like it is what i want to do
makes sweet sounds
when i take it in my arms
and press it against my chest
he needs me
and we swim
always holding him
looking for an exit
some parts of the ruins are dry
we rest in there
but he likes the water
but i feel this coldness
i feel sick
but t he little creature needs me
i look for the person i love
i look for my dear neko
and i hold the little creature
and in my dream
i fall sleep while i drown...
there are 2 things i know so far
i have lived 1037 weeks, 3 days,14 hours and 48 minutes
and in all this time i have only loved once
but i know i dont love to live
but live to love
but the affection of my love
seems so faraway
second thing
im starting to fear water
as it always try to hurt me .....
miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010
i has a weird dream again
in all my dreams i am always in the edge of death
or some kind of akward situation
that put my life at the edge
i was a small animal
i could tell because i was too close to the grass
and i ran in 4 legs
i was running away
from something thats sounded like dogs
the most horrible dogs i have ever seen
they were small
but a bunch of them
had deep purple eyes
and as skinny as they could be
the looks in their eyes
screamed they were going to kill me
if i didnt run away
they were a black mass of bones and kind of rotten flesh and skin
like if they were terribly sick
their howls and barks were something i have never heard before
fear got me paralyzed
but adrenaline got my four legs moving
it was amazing experience
to actually feel that kind of sensation
when only this moment matters
you run or you die
i saw a tail
apparently mine
am i a fox?
yes i am a small fox
crimson red and small
no bigger than just a cub
the forest was red
it was easy to hide betweeen the maple red leaves
and a beautiful sunset on the horizon
i hadnt really too much time to admire the colors and the windy
i was running for my life
i reached a tree
and i started climbing it
looked like the tallest tree
and it was made of cold cristal
kind of remembered me
of the makalania forest
i climbed as high as i could reach
and stood there until night
the ghostly dogs simplily dissapeared
i looked down and strated getting closer to the ground
i got off the crystal tree
and walked in to the forest
i reached a plain
it was a big meadow
with fireflies on it
a beautiful bright sky
instead of tall grass
in the meadown were tall flowers
i could only look from above
i identify them as edelweiss later on
For a very important person bday
i asked a friend of mine
who is an amazing artist
to paint an scene
the night
a big moon
but this person walked away previously
of me being able to give my present to this person
this person never saw it...
i recognized the meadow as the same scene
it was so familiar looking
i was inside the painting in my wall
there was a sweet smell
of maple syrup in the air
ironic.... maple... is just him
still he haunts my dreams
in abstract ways his memory haunts me always
even in my sleep
i crossed the meadow
and there was a small old bridge
over a river
it was like glowing blue river
as soon as i crosed it
the bridge broke
i continued walking
something called me in the horizon
i reached a place
dirty, dead, dry
with a terible rotten egg smell
i was going to turn around
and i saw the dogs
again looking
and barking a me
I ran as fast as my 4 tiny paws allowed me
when i reached the river
since there was no bridge.....
i just jump of the water
it was warm water
but a deep river
i could not swim to the surface
and as well
the river had this milk like texture
so i was unable to see a thing
blue everywhere i looked
and i fainted
i fainted
i was drowning
but i was not scared
the maple smell came to my nose
followed by "COlD by Benetton" perfume escence
how could i ever forget
i just woke up
i was sweating cold
i was next to the person i like
i felt like sitting in the bed
and just start crying
no one likes crybabies
i have to pretend
i have become very skilled
in pretending to be a doll..
lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010
dream diary 2
Un sueño
que tuve en noches pasadas
*mi gatita como sabes tuvo 3 gatitos
soñe que estaba caminando por la cuidad, llevaba en mi bolso los 3 gatitos
*y a la mama
*era uno de esos dias que no hago nada
*q solo camino x caminar
al lado mio para un carro y era mi ex, me pidio q me subiera
*puse el bolso con los gatitos en los regazos
*y fuimos como a una casa
*me pidio que entrara
*era como una conbinacion de la casa de una de mis tias abuelas
*mezclada con algo de creepiness de una casa abandonada
*ahi estaba como q el chik q i like currently
*y los maes como q se fueron x alla a hablar
*yo me quede como en lo q parecia una sala
*era raro el lugar estaba inundado
*tenia agua hasta los tobillos
y los gatos empezaron a llorar
anyway como que volvieron y me hicieron señas que me subiera al carro
*el carro era uno de esos 4x4 tipo jeep
*que no tienen techo
*ni puertas ni eso si no q son como los asientos y unas barras
el carro estaba como inundado asi q me sente en una de las barras
*y ellos se sentaron adelante yo atras
*y como que nos metimos way too deep in the mountain
*x donde no habia camino
*y el carro pego un brinco y sali volando XD aterrice como q en la grava, siempre cuidando q a los gatitos no les pasara nada
*y justo del carril contrario venia un carro rojo
estuvo a punto de pegarme dn la cabeza xq estaba acostada en la tierra
tenia una pierna sangrando
*y me dolia mucho
*no me podia mover
entonces el mae del carro rojo que no se quien era honestly
*se bajo del carro y como q me examino con una maquina rarisima
*era como una araña mecanica
*q como q me scaneo la pierda
y como que termino de examinar
*y el mae le dijo a mi ex que iba a perder la pierna
lo extraño es que recuerdo que hablaran
*pero mi ex no mostraba emociones
*tenia siempre la misma cara
*cuando a mi ex ese mae le dijo eso, mi ex como q me vio se subio al carro y se fue
*y el otro mae tambien desaparecio
*solo el chik con el q estoy dis que saliendo se quedo conmigo
*y como q me llevo a caballito
*me aceuerdo q yo le decia que cuidado con los gatitos
*era como pura montaña
estabamos como q cerca de un risco y el mae se resbalo y se cayo
lovia pero era de dia habia luz
*aunque mucha neblina y llovizna
*el punto es que me quede como que sola con los gatitos
*y no me podia mover
*y cai dormida abrazando el bolso donde estaban los gatitos arecostada a una pared de roca
*cuando me desperte por alguna razon
*no sentia dolor
*me pude parar y caminar pero sentia las piernas como si no fueran mias
*y estaban totalmente blancas, lo recuerdo xq andaba en skirt
*bancas ya papel
*pero empeze a bajar yo sola con los gatitos
y y y camine x dias
*no sentia cansancio
*solo frio y urge por cuidar a los gatito
*recuerdo que siempre fue cuesta abajo
*era como una montaña interminable
*y el clima era igual lluvioso pero tipo llovizna y neblina
*de la nada llegue como a una Y
*podia seguir para abajo o tomar la V hacia el tro lado y subir de nuevo
*y habia como una fiesta a lo lejos
*asi que agarre el camino V
*y llegue era como una cabaña pero giganteeeee
*enorme hardcore
*era como un salon
*de madera mas bien
*donde habia una fiesta
*de traje
*las mujeres en vestido de coctel y los maes en smoking
*y me quede en la orilla cerca de una chimenea tratando de que no me vieran
*y vi a mi ex como que en el centro del dance floor
*pero ma mas viejo
*calculo q talvez unos 8 o 10 años mayor
*y me vio, y x primera vez en todo el sueño tuvo una expresion
*y fue de panico
*pero como q solo el me podia ver
*y como q trato de llegar donde yo estaba
*pero yo sali corriendo xq el estaba con otra persona, una chik con un vestido de satin azul
*entonces yo queria correr pero no estaba tocando la tierra
*solo huia
*teniendo los gatitos siemazospre en los b
*siempre en los brazos*
como que despues de huir
x un rato
*mi ex aun me seguia, gritaba cosas
*pero yo no podia escuhar xq llovia y hacia mucho viento
*cuando x fin lo perdi
*aparecio un bus rojo
*pense pedir ride
*xq no tenia dinero
*pero el mae del bus no me cobro
*habia poca gente
*en el bus
*unos separados de otros
*como x las esquinas
*todos sin expresion
*y todos eran blanco papel como yo
*era como si el s me esperarab
*si el bus*
*xq apenas me sente, abri el bolso para revisar q los kitties estuvieran bien
*y el bus arranco y se fue
*lo unico que recuerdo es ver la cabeza de la mama de mi gata azomarse primero y maullar
*y luego las cabecitas de los 3 gatitos maullando suavecito
*los abrace a los 4 y me arrecoste a la ventana del bus
*y creo q me dormi otra vez
*no recuerdo nada mas despues de eso
*se que dormi mas , no me desperte de inmediato
*pero fue como que despues del sueño pude dormir en paz
*profundo y sin interrupciones
Una noche de insomnio
son las 2.22 de la mañana
hoy tengo una noche de insomnio nuevamente
mi humor cambia
de bien a mal y de mal a bien
por un lado hay alguien que me da una sonrisa
una que debo alargar una semana
por otro lado hay alguien
que con solo existir
me da golpe tras golpe
me quiebra, no los huesos pero el alma
y lo ha hecho desde hace medio año ya
intente dormir
pero solo logre una pesadilla
y media hora de paralisis en mi habitacion
hoy tuve una pesadilla curiosa
Estaba afuera de un edificio
con Randall, Cancerbero (El nombre impuesto por Isaac y kro a la novia de Randall) mis abuelos, la persona que me gusta y la persona que me hiere
Todos Ibamos a comer, era como un pequeño restaurante japones,
una mesa de media luna
yo estaba sentada junto a la persona que me gusta
y la persona que me lastima
trataba de ocultar mi dolor
trataba de que todos nos llevaramos bien
como siemre
la pacifista
en medio de la mesa
habia un pequeño jardin Zen
Arena y piedrasblancas
derepente una tormenta empezo afuera
nadie parecio tomarle importancia
decidi salir
a llorar en la lluvia
como siempre lo hago
para no ponerme roja de mejillas
ni que se noten las lagrimas
ah, como me gustaba bailar en la lluvia
ahora solo la uso
para cuando el dolor es mucho
y no hay donde ocultarlo
Sali y al lado del pequeño restaurante
habia un mar
como los descritos por los griegos
cuando poseidon descubrio
a su esposa con otro
rayos, truenos, olas enormes
elruido del mar
y la violenta brisa
me empujaron hacia la orilla
el mar era grisaceo
con un azul muy neon
por alguna razon las fuetes olas
pegaban con una pared invisible de cristal
y a mis pies solo llegaban suaves olas
queria tocar la pared
asi que entre al mar
el agua era fria
di solo unos pasos hacia adentro
y empeze a sentir dolor
mucho dolor en mis pies
mire hacia abajo
y la piel de mis pies se derretia
como acido
y no me podia devolver
de tanto forcejear me cai
y el acido empezo a quemarme las piernas
las manos
y la espalda
mi mente siempre
juega trucos muy crueles
por suerte desperte
me despertaron
La persona que quiero lo hizo
nunca entoendo el significado de mis sueños
he soñado que soy una ladrona que queman viva
he soñado que soy una asesina
he tenido pesadillas cada noche desde ese dia
en algunas veces la persona que me lastima esta presente
en otras
simplemente yo sola me someto a torturas
en las que deseo morir
tengo mucho sueño
pero son las 4 y 15 am
en 2 horas tendre q estar despierta
x suerte mañana tengo mas entrenamiento
para el cambio a LAC
solo espero a que el sol salga
y las sombras dejen de jugar con mi mente
en estas 4 paredes
es simplemente el pensamiento
de una noche de insomnio
domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010
little little neko
Daylight Lyrics
I've seen sad
Dark times
And I have waited for the sun to rise
I've seen sad
Dark times
And waited for rain
All I know is whenever I am far from home
There are nights when words seem out of place
Ba da da
I have walked alone and the stars have tried to guide me home
I have walked alone
Lost in the fog
All I find are faded pictures from a distant life
And I wish to God I could see your eyes
Ba da da
I ain't got no magic potion
All I know is that we're better of together than we ever were alone
So if you let me try
Just give me time,
Woman I will find a way to help you ease your troubled mind
Ba da da
If the morning comes I'll be thankful just to see the sun
But the daylight seems so far away
Ba da da
sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010
Might sound weird... but to my mom... i love you
Echate a dormir
Una noche mas
Ya casi amanece
Deja la botella en la mesa
Solo vete a descansar…
Gastas tu vida en ginebra
A expensas del mundo vives
Nada lo haces por que quieres
Todo es solo un fastidioso deber
No ahogues tu alma en tabaco
Ni las penas en alcohol
Las luces tu cuerpo y el baile…
Es simplemente tu mundo
Tan diferente al mío
De sombras letras y tintas
Para ti un beso es solo un toque
Para mi, un desahogo del alma
Para ti una lagrima es agua
Para mi una perla del espíritu…
Con que sencillez ves las cosas
Con que facilidad ignoras tu alrededor
Te admiro y te desprecio
Te odio y te considero
No se si en esa alma
Cariñosa y preocupada algunas veces
Violenta cruel y despiadada otras….
Esa alma… sigues en los brazos de dios?
Sigues en consiencia de este mundo?
Sabes quien soy?
Yo no soy como tu
Y me molesta que la demas gente crea que lo soy
La belleza que herede, si tengo tu destino….
No quiero tu herencia, no quiero seguirte
Yo veo al mundo desde los brazos de los angeles
Oscuros, heridos, algunos malignos
Pero me abrazan cada noche cuando abres la herida
Y me acunan cuando no puedo parar las lagrimas
Consuelan mi espiritu cuando asustado de ti
Colapsa y empieza a temblar
Cuando las convulsiones sacuden al cuerpo
Y por un momento los heraldos del angel negro me visitan
Me observan con lastima y dolor…
Varias veces he visto sus lagrimas sangrientas que recorren
Su palido rostro…. Con vergüenza me
Aferro a la noche
Rogando perdon por tus crimenes
Clamando piedad de tu alma
Hasta que los heraldos de luzbell se retiran
Cansados de ascechar…
Agotados de escuchar
El silencio de tu alma….
Quien eres?
Tu escencia desvanecia me resulta irreconocible
Querida madre mia….
viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010
4 walls
This four walls
had seen me die
night after night
cry my pains in my dreams
who am i now?
Im sorry im just a doll
a beutiful lifeless toy
motionless feelingless quiet
just maybe
if someone held my hand
in this darkness
i would be able to really smile
there are some feelingsin me
big enough to not to be expressed by worlds
this quiet feelings
only this 4 walls know about
domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010
a ghost
you say
get away from me
another person say
ill love you forever,
she says
come to me
another person
waits for me,
there is someone
inside me
who cries for help,
there is me
who yells a name,
there is a person
who got my attention,
there is a human
who became my victim,
there is a lust
that no human can ease,
there is a wish
that cant be fulfilled,
there is a hope
that never dies,
there is a pain
in the heart
that never ceases
there is a guilt
that say i must wait
there is a voice
in my head
saying to break my promise,
there is a desperate attempt
to be happy,
there is an abyss
in front of me
there are my wings
that i dont know if
they are ready to fly,
there is a tear
in my cheek tonight,
there is a skar
in my arm
that reminds me
of the tragedy,
there is a tattoo
in my back
who burns me
to stay right where i am,
there is an impulse
to move on,
there are 18 weeks
behind this bullshit,
there is a friend
who is lost,
there is a person
who travels
to the other side of the world
to be away from me,
because of me,
there is a hand
i will not take
even when i fall,
there is not
your hand
when i need to get up,
there is a smell
that wont get out my nose,
there is a mask
i have to wear everyday
,there is your prescence
who lingers here,
there is the sound
of your laugh who
echoes in the wall
there is a poet
who says im his muse,
there is my muse
who does not even look at me,
there is a happiness
i will never reach
there is a future
ill never get to see
...right now there is just me.....
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